art, poetry, flash fiction,
flash essay, photography
An equinox is equidistant,
poised on the edge
of one thing or another,
balanced on the cusp
of change or transformation.
biannual, digital, multimedia journal
hotpoet has launched Equinox, a biannual digital multimedia journal that showcases poets, writers, and artists. While solstices are the extremes of the year, an equinox is equidistant, poised on the edge of one thing or another, the cusp of change or transformation. With this archetypal significance in mind, Equinox strives to explore the contemplative and motivational power of writers and artists; to celebrate how word and image can create a world and then change it.
Equinox, Fall 2022 Issue: This is a special edition of poems compiled from hotpoet solstice celebrations.
Theme: "Is it hot enough for you?”
Fall is traditionally a season of harvest, a celebration of bounty, a time to taste and savor the fruits of one’s labor.
This fall, hotpoet will engage in a harvest that is close to our hearts. We have long wanted to compile a collection of poems from our annual summer and winter solstice celebrations, poems written and read by poets who have shared in the solstice revelry over the years.
We invite any poet who has ever participated in any of the solstice celebrations to submit up to 6 poems composed for these occasions. Any poems included in any of the instant anthologies will be considered for this curated collection, but please submit ONLY poems that were included in any of the instant anthologies. (Save your new work for next spring’s issue of Equinox!) When submitting, please adhere to the guidelines listed below.
Submission period: July 7-August 21. Equinox release date: September 21.
Mail poems as attachments directly to the editors at with the word “solstice” on the subject line. Format your poems with single-spacing (double between stanzas), in Times New Roman font (12 pt.), and standard one-inch margins.
Include the following in your email:
1. Your name and contact information
2. A brief biographical statement of no more than 125 words
3. A list of the poems you are submitting
4. The year and season each poem was featured at the solstice celebration (optional—if you have it.)
5. Acknowledgment listing any poems that have been published elsewhere, specifying where and when.
As this is not a contest, there is no submission fee and no need for anonymity. Simultaneous submissions are permitted, with the expectation that you will immediately inform us and withdraw any poem that is to be published elsewhere.