hotpoet is excited to provide services that promote mind, body, and spirit wellness in our community. Information will be provided as these features become accessible. These services include the following:
We host various meet-ups and workshops throughout the year. We are most interested in promoting mind, body, and spirit wellness in poets and artists who need or long for additional support. Specific sessions will be targeted toward poets with specialized needs including teachers, the elderly, the differently abled, parents without partners, underrepresented groups, and poets and artists who deal with chronic pain or distress, whether physical or mental. Our goal is to build a caring network that upholds anyone in need of kindness and community in order to practice their craft and continue to create.
Our small press, The Wildwood Project will solicit manuscripts from poetswhose work aligns with our mission and values statement. We seek to publish poetry that is passionate, socially aware, and environmentally conscious. We are especially interested in poets whose work creates awareness of the complex issues facing all of humanity, with applications that are both personal and universal. We will support these poets through the publication process and beyond, not only producing books but assisting with book release events and promotional readings.
We will coordinate 1-2 affordable retreats yearly with the help of donations by attendees to cover the cost of facilities, workshop coordinators, and featured poets. In addition, we will offer scholarships for these events to poets whose work merits attention and whose circumstances require support. These retreats will take place in locations of natural beauty and historical significance. Our purpose will be to provide a restorative space in which artists and poets can write and create without the ongoing pressures of day-to-day survival.
We will continue our tradition of gathering the tribe and summoning the muse bi-annually on the occasion of summer and winter solstices. Our goal is to build community and stoke the embers of creativity. Participants will leave with an instant anthology, remarkable memories, and renewal of spirit, which every artist needs to feed the soul.